The year was 1991.... a young fledgling rock star from Seattle was in pain. A lot of pain. Rigorous touring was not to blame. Soon the young musician realized something was wrong. Very wrong. His wife, that he'd had memories of but never actually met was missing from his life. From that time period in general. Trapped in 2012, she awaits a way back. A way back to change the future... a future that turns into a place with no Kurt Cobain.

A murder plot that turns into the most famous suicide in history, this site is dedicated to the small story of the husband who left a billion clues for the wife who figured them out.

Now her goal is to avenge her husband's death by pinning the murderer's with their crime...

Meanwhile she pours herself into her journal, awaiting the day she is finally reunited with her husband in time.

Letters to Kurt...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Insomnia in Dallas...

Dear Kurt,

A restless night of going over and over the same details of your case as well as new information that I am learning is plaguing me. It's so frustrating.

There is clearly not any proof of why you may have committed suicide other than Courtney's testimonies... and the proof that shows you did not kill yourself is off the charts!!

Needless to say, these images and ideas of what took place are filling my mind to an extent where I am starting to have nightmares. Someone running around trying to off me... they tried and tried.... rat poisoning, then acid on the face. I woke up after that, scared to death of what it might have been like.

Not including the HUNDRED suicides that took place in vain revolving a desire to mimic yours, their must be thousands of us out here who feel so unsettled with all our care towards justice and peace for your name. I just hope one day.... that will be granted.

Peace. Love. And Extreme Empathy

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