The year was 1991.... a young fledgling rock star from Seattle was in pain. A lot of pain. Rigorous touring was not to blame. Soon the young musician realized something was wrong. Very wrong. His wife, that he'd had memories of but never actually met was missing from his life. From that time period in general. Trapped in 2012, she awaits a way back. A way back to change the future... a future that turns into a place with no Kurt Cobain.

A murder plot that turns into the most famous suicide in history, this site is dedicated to the small story of the husband who left a billion clues for the wife who figured them out.

Now her goal is to avenge her husband's death by pinning the murderer's with their crime...

Meanwhile she pours herself into her journal, awaiting the day she is finally reunited with her husband in time.

Letters to Kurt...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mayor McGinn,

Below you will find a list of facts and inconsistencies in direct relation to the Seattle Police Department's practicing methods and code of ethics at the time of Kurt Cobain's demise.

All of the items listed below can be found on various factual websites and in the direct details of the police report.

This crime was committed 17 years ago. The city officials are brand new. The police officials are now fresh... A case that millions of people have shed thousands of tears over can be yours to justify.

Kurt Cobain Evidence Findings

1. Half drank root beer can found next to the body still had liquid in it.

1a. Logged into the books as EMPTY at time of investigation.

1b. Later revealed as a false statement, another was re-issued stating their was still liquid in the can. A rebuttal statement was then issued regarding a "rookie must have made that mistake".

Still, a DNA test was not performed to identify the drinker of the beverage at such a crucial crime scene.

2. The police report stated that the victim had "barricaded himself" inside the room "with an attempt" to keep others from entering.

2a. Later photographs revealed the "object" that police referred to as the barricade. A tiny, wooden stool propped NEAR two HEAVY glass doors that open in the OPPOSITE direction of the supposed "barricade".

2b. After the obvious blunder, the police retracted the barricade statement from the case.

3. The police report stated that the shotgun "clutched" in the deceased hands was inverted.

3a. From that positioning, the shotgun shell should have unloaded onto the ground on the victim's right side.

3b. The police report stated it was found on the opposite side.

The police report also stated, per the medical examiner, there were definite "marks" on the victim's hands proving that he was the executioner.

Later reports revealed this was also untrue, there were no marks whatsoever and this statement was also stricken from the record.

3c. Several leading experts on "shotgun" suicides also wrote articles on this particular case questioning two main points.

3c-a. The recoil of a shotgun blast is strong enough to ensure the positioning of the weapon is on average, two feet further from its original positioning at the time of execution.

The positioning of the gun in this particular case was logged into the report as:

"clutched in the victim's hands. As if the hands were literally wrapped around the trigger."

3c-b. Leading experts in the field of violent suicides also questioned the condition of the gunshot wound to the face in this particular case.

In ALL cases studied where a shotgun is fired toward the face at point-blank range, the victim is near to decapitated. The amount of blood, astounding.

In this case, the victim's face was not only completely intact, but the only sign of a wound was blood near the left ear -- leading experts to believe the victim's heart had already stopped beating from the lethal dose of heroin, which refrained it from pumping blood into the head area, causing little to no damage.

4. Medical examiner Nikolas Hartshorne made a statement for the record at the scene that the amount of heroin found in the victim's blood was not a lethal amount. He logged in a low percentage into the police report.

4a. Shortly after the body was cremated, a different examiner came forward and stated that the percentage found in Cobain's system was a severe amount Three times the lethal limit.

4b. This finding evoked a serious back-lash toward the concealing of evidence, and enraged relatives of victims of the growing number of copy-cat suicides -- in an effort to stop these senseless suicides, the second medical examiner released an EIGHT PAGE scientific analysis report entitled "Dead Men Don't Pull Triggers" to prove that it was scientifically impossible to still be conscious and functional with that much heroin in the system in order to prepare a gun and pull the trigger.

5. The majority of police who reported to the crime scene gave statements regarding the fact that the shotgun, the "suicide" note next to the body, the pen next to the note, the needle that contained the heroin, the heroin itself, and the box of bullets near the victim ALL contained NO LEGIBLE fingerprints WHATSOEVER... Here was their statements :

"no relevance. There was a note. A clear case of suicide."

5a. The Seattle Police Department kept the shotgun in a plastic bag for a full MONTH before they actually decided to check for PRINTS.

5b. The "suicide" note in question was under severe speculation when it was released to the public and the only lines that had suicidal undertones was written in a severely larger and different style handwriting.

5c. Later reports revealed that Cobain's widow, Ms. Love was in possession of a "handwriting practice sheet" that pronounced every letter of the alphabet several times -- in several different styles.

5c-a. This paper was NOT logged in as evidence, and discarded by police as irrelevant.

5c-b. Several months after Cobain's death, Ms. Love came forward with a second note written by Cobain. In this note, he specifically stated that he was leaving her:

"Please don't follow me. I don't know where I'm going. But I just can't be here anymore."

She revealed this note to a friend and Seattle police officer who worked on the case named Sgt Cameron. He promptly stated;

"That's not going to help your case, I'd get rid of it." So she BURNT IT.

6. Two weeks prior to the victim's death, the Seattle Police department reported to the Cobain residence after a 911 call was placed by Ms. Love insisting that her husband was "suicidal" and had locked himself in the bathroom "with a gun".

Once the police arrived, Cobain calmly came out of the bathroom (gun free) and stated calmly, "I am not suicidal. I locked myself in the bathroom to get away from my wife".

Ms. Love then ADMITTED to police that he did not use the word suicide and did not in fact have a gun. The police logged these details into their report.

6a. The night of the victim's death, one of the same responding officers arrived first to this scene. When asked by another officer what the situation was, the officer responded with "cut and dry suicide. Remember? We just responded to this house a couple weeks back where he tried to kill himself then..."

7. Ms. Love called the Seattle Police Department to report her husband as "missing" a few days before the body was discovered. When asked to give her name, she stated "Wendy O'Connor", Cobain's mother's name.

7a. Later reports revealed that she had made unsupported claims while impersonating another individual regarding a missing adult who was in fact still making regular appearances at his own home. The Seattle Police Department neither brought Ms. Love in for questioning nor booking for this suspicious act.

8. Ms. Love hired a private investigator by the name of Tom Grant to trail her husband and discover his whereabouts. In the weeks he worked for her, Mr. Grant recorded numerous telling conversations and accumulated several pieces of evidence that ensured foul-play.

8a. The Seattle Police Department refused to take a look at his findings and dismissed his work as "irrelevant".

9. Several professional photographs were taken of the crime scene, revealing particular evidence for this case.

9a. This criminal act took place in 1994. It is now 2011 and that roll of film has never been DEVELOPED.
When the Seattle Police Department is asked by many media outlets why this is, their answer is always short and brief:

"We never develop film from cases that are cut and dry suicides."

You studied law. Justice was nowhere to be found that fateful day. And he deserves it now.


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