The year was 1991.... a young fledgling rock star from Seattle was in pain. A lot of pain. Rigorous touring was not to blame. Soon the young musician realized something was wrong. Very wrong. His wife, that he'd had memories of but never actually met was missing from his life. From that time period in general. Trapped in 2012, she awaits a way back. A way back to change the future... a future that turns into a place with no Kurt Cobain.

A murder plot that turns into the most famous suicide in history, this site is dedicated to the small story of the husband who left a billion clues for the wife who figured them out.

Now her goal is to avenge her husband's death by pinning the murderer's with their crime...

Meanwhile she pours herself into her journal, awaiting the day she is finally reunited with her husband in time.

Letters to Kurt...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fireworks and Freedom.

Dear Kurt,

It is exactly thirty minutes until the beginning of July 4th 2010, Pacific time, and this marks the month anniversary of my first entry.

Isn't it amazing how millions of lives end evey day and that same day... millions of lives go on living. Tomorrow night, as we stare up at the bright colors in the sky signifying what it means to be a part of the USA, people will be dying. Some by the hands of another... some by their own.

I once cried many tears during a particularly sappy fireworks display in New Orleans over the Mississippi. The reason?? The fireworks were accompanied by a loudspeaker blaring patriotic songs such as "Proud to be an American." Such a beautiful song. I would have liked to see Nirvana cover it. Just kidding.
Land of the free. Home of the brave? Justice is free. But at what price?

On that note, I will be thinking of all the amazing people lost with each colorful explosion. Yours will be the brightest.

Peace... Love.... Empathy,

Justice Seeker.

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